Helping Children with Outdoor Allergies

Help your kids enjoy outdoors, symptom free.

A little boy blowing dandelions outside in the daytime.

Nearly 5.2 million U.S. children under age 18 experience hay fever and 7.1 million have respiratory allergies.1 Generally, if a child develops allergies, it’s by the age of 10.2

In this page you will find information about

Recognize allergic symptoms in kids

As soon as you notice your child is suffering allergic symptoms, see a pediatrician or allergist to get a diagnosis. Look out for these common symptoms of outdoor seasonal allergies:2

  • Sneezing
  • Clear, runny nose
  • Itchy nose and/or throat
  • Nasal congestion+
  • Coughing+
  • Itchy, watery, and/or red eyes+

You may see multiple symptoms or just one. In any case, the sooner you seek medical guidance, the sooner you can get your child on the path to relief. 

Get to know what triggers your child’s allergies

The most common trigger of outdoor allergies in kids is pollen from trees, grass, and weeds.2

You can help minimize symptoms

Here are tips to alleviate seasonal allergies:3

   Limit outdoor activities when pollen counts are high

   Have children wash their hands immediately upon returning inside2

   Schedule showers or baths as soon as possible after they come inside to wash off any potential remaining allergens on their skin or hair3

   Make sure they only wear outdoor clothes once before washing them

   Dry clothes in the dryer, instead of hanging them outside among allergens

Learn more about managing your child's allergy symptoms.

A boy plays with his dog outside in the grass.

Relieve their outdoor allergies with Children’s Allegra®

Children’s Allegra® Allergy Liquid and Children’s Allegra® Allergy Dissolve Tabs are the #1 allergist-recommended brand for non-drowsy relief.* Get 12-hour relief from outdoor seasonal allergies, without impacting their ability to concentrate due to drowsiness.

Find the Allegra® product that’s right for you and your family


  1. Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Editors. Allergies and Hay Fever, Center for Disease Control and Prevention (,


  2. Jordan C. Smallwood, MD, Reviewer. Seasonal Allergies (Hay Fever), KidsHealth (,

    October 2016

  3. Andrew Moore, MD, Reviewed. Outdoor Allergens, American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (,

    September 28, 2020

Recommended Reading

+Children’s Allegra® is not indicated to relieve coughing, nasal congestion, or red eyes. Children’s Allegra® is indicated to relieve sneezing, runny nose, itchy, watery eyes or an itchy nose or throat.

*Among OTC oral antihistamines.